Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful to be breathing and healthy

And of course the year has flown by and the time of year where we give thanks for the ones we love and the things that we feel blessed about. Shouldn't we feel grateful for all that we have every day in life? I have so much, but sometimes I do feel like I almost forget to thank the people I love for being there for me, I swear I'm not taking them for granted, but sometimes, I feel like that my life is just so, "go, go, go" that I never get time to sit and think about how much I have.

First and foremost, I am proud to say that I have the best family in the world. Throughout my life, like anyone else, I have been through ups and downs, but through it all, my family has always been by my side. We may have some pretty f'd up situations, but we definitely have more happy memories, than bad. So, I'd like to thank my family for always being with me and supporting me with what I do. Whenever I'm down all they do is shower me with love and words can never explain how much I need them in my life. I am so grateful for each and every one of my family members.

My brother, James Baja, has always known every little aspect of my life, and sometimes it may be a good thing and sometimes it can be bad, but in the end me and him are truly best friends. I know some things can get shaky, but it's only because we love each other and wants what's best for one another. He can never fail to make me smile, even when we're super mad at each other, he can always make me laugh. I love my brother so much and I don't think I can love anyone else as much as I love that kid. He's an amazing person and I know sometimes he can be a complete ASS, but I know it's just cause he loves me.

My parents have always been there for me. Especially my Mother, being a single parent is not easy. I can see it in her eyes when she is very frustrated and sometimes I can't even control that for her. But, I know that she loves me and my brother a lot, she sacrifices so much for us and I can never thank her enough each day for all that she's done. My dad has been gone a lot for work, for most of our lives, but my father will always be the one and only, I love my parents so much and I'm thankful that they even got together in the first place. And even though I will forever think that my mom and dad were perfect for each other, things almost never happens exactly the way we want it too, but that's okay too. KB, my mom's boyfriend is someone who I am also thankful for, he helps us with a lot of what's going on here at home. Without him, my mom would be a stressed out wreck, but thankfully he has a lot to offer for this family and I am grateful.

To all my cousins, April (You too, ALI!) , Karl, Rizza Mae, Ian, Sara, Myra and everyone: I love you guys all so much and I can never thank you enough. You guys are always here for me whenever I need you and it's always so amazing to have you guys as advice givers because without you guys, I wouldn't be who I am today.

One thing that I've recently been greatly blessed with is my internship at Entercom, it's funny how something that I never would've IMAGINED doing is something that I love doing now. I've learned so much and met some pretty amazing people. There's no exact words besides amazingly unbelievable that can explain my experience. (This subject shall have it's own post later on, after the semester.)


Anna Cunanan, we've been friends since 5th grade, well, actually, we've been best friends since middle school and it's crazy how far we've come. She and I have literally been through EVERYTHING. To this day, I will forever be mad at her for making me take a nap with her at her house, because now I feel like I have to  sleep during the day even if it's just for 30 minutes. But anyways, she has seriously been the best friend ever. We may not talk every day, but even if we haven't talked in ages, we still talk like just yesterday we were hanging out. I just want to say that, no matter what me and her will always be friends. Because, she's pretty much family to me.

Anthony Rizzo, he's someone that I can go to for anything. My problems, good news, ANYTHING. He and I are pretty much opposite, but still, we manage to talk to each other and see how each other is doing. He's my best friend away from my friends. This long distance thing sucks, but it's the friendship that means a lot to me. I just care about him a lot, and I wish he knew that. Well, here it is.

Yanna Brown, I love you. Always have, always will.

There's just so many people I want to thank, but I feel like that would take days and days!

I am thankful to be alive. I am thankful for all the things I get to do with my life. I want to thank anyone who has read this whole blog post. And I want to thank anyone and everyone who has been there for me for a long time and who still continue to shower their love for me. Thank you!

Till the next post, loves.

Erica Baja

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